We consider an energy harvesting transmitter broadcasting individual data to two receivers. Data packets intended\r\nfor each user are assumed to arrive at arbitrary but known instants. The goal is to minimize the total transmission time\r\nof the packets arriving within a certain time window, using the energy harvested during this time. Energy harvests are\r\nalso modelled to occur at known discrete instants. An achievable rate region with structural properties satisfied by the\r\ntwo-user additive white Gaussian noise broadcast channel capacity region is assumed. Structural properties of power\r\nand rate allocations are established, as well as the uniqueness of the optimal policy. An iterative algorithm, DuOpt, is\r\ndevised for efficient solution of this offline problem. DuOpt is compared with the sequential unconstrained\r\nminimization (SUMT) solution technique on randomly generated problem instances and is observed to solve the\r\nproblem two orders of magnitude faster on average than SUMT.